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Case Competition

Are you ready to put your business skills to the test? Apply to compete in the Gilette Case Competition, brought to you by Start@Shea, and take on a real business case the Gillette team is facing and you will play a prominent role in recommending a solution. The prompt will
be released after the mandatory case workshop which will take place on October 30th in 245 Beacon St at 8:00pm. ​​​​​​​
Assemble your team of 2-4 and register by 10/30 to gain hands-on experience, sharpen your strategic consulting skills, and have the opportunity to present an implementable idea to current Gilette executives! The top three teams will also walk away with prizes!

Baskets of Gillette products will be given to the top three finalists, and each member of the first place team will receive a one-year supply of Gillette or Venus razors!

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